
Contemplating on the fact that what he has become? The traffic lights blind him, he can not hear the honking of horns. Every night when he tries to sleep, he feels that darkness has engulfed him. A child prodigy once, now non-existential. Aman tries to forget what had happened to him in past and focus on the work which is supposed to give him happiness. But where's that happiness?

Last month Aman went on two trips. One with his friends and another solo. Because he had heard that travelling can give you happiness. Each time he came back empty-handed. The first time he lost his money to friends another to pickpockets. Neither his pocket filled with happiness nor money.

Aman thinks that the pursuit of happiness ended long ago. Aman is not sure what is he chasing. The only thing he knows is he's running and running behind something.

Aman is so invested in his job, but is it worth it? He often wonders if this is the conclusion if this is his destiny. He knows that neither he was a good son nor a brother and will never be a good partner. 

How badly he wants to break this cycle. How badly he wants his story to end. But it's life, he has to make peace with it and stories don't end as one wants them to. The climax he had in his mind will never happen.  Aman will end up thinking it was all his fault.  He'll toil and toil and will learn to make peace with it. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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