Sometimes we just want to sit and cry. I know I'm being a pessimist here but isn't it true? And we want our problems or sadness to go away with the tears cascading from our eyes. Sometimes I too like to cry. We all do. Whether men or women. But not everyone wants to accept in public. There could be any reason. I'm not gonna bother my readers but I've penned down the following poem while sitting by the condensed window.
I'm still carrying the curse
on my weighed down shoulders,
All the wounds I've nursed
again become open cuts and colder.
Trapped inside the circle of time
Never-ending is this climb,
Don't know what is hurting more
pain in my heart or shoe bite?
Surrounded by the beauty
which I can't see
They say they want to be like me
while I've never been me.
Darkness arises
flows like a river in my veins
They talk about advise
As if they're the only ones with shattered dreams.
Have I left people or
have people left me?
Am I a human or a monster
who is possessed by me?
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