The Day We Met...

I still remember the day we met. The sun was burning hot. But then clouds of heaven smiled over us. And they witnessed our meet. The angels behind the clouds showered their blessings. That day I embraced the silence to listen to your words, to embed those words in my heart like pearls.  Words that were not of worldly wisdom, but the words of freedom. Words of ecstasy soothed the silence of lips and melted my stormy soul. The words of your song even excited the birds. Wind of love was flowing and the fragrance of flowers scented the garden. We sat there for long hours.

The sun reached below the horizon and mist covered the whole garden. Your lips kissed my forehead and bid me good bye. Then you lost in the midst of mist with a smile on your face.

And there left a woman who had just experienced the eternal joy of love for the first time and the misery of separation from her lover.


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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