Speck of dust

I was having my breakfast on the table by side of window. Sun rays were peeping inside from behind the tree. One or two rays felt pity on my loneliness and decided to come inside to give me company during my breakfast. I could see the thousands of dust particles in those sun rays. Few particles settled on my mobile screen, which was lying on table for not more than two minutes.  A little dust might have dissolved in coffee.

I was constantly watching the silently dancing particles. Dancing or running? I don't know! I felt like I'm one of them, Speck of dust, dancing altogether yet alone. Dancing on the music whose lyrics are ineffable, rhythm which is lost in far hills, which has no intro and ending. I'm a speck of dust who's afraid she'll be lost somewhere in this loop named World.
I was distracted by the voice of kid outside on the street who was asking his friends to wait for him. He was on his foot while his friends were on bicycle. But when they didn't hear him, he ran so fast that I was almost certain that he would easily catch up with them and maybe even get ahead. 
My breakfast was getting cold. I took my coffee without caring about dust and had my breakfast while the particles danced peacefully. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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