5 O'clock Call

We all are fighting with different kind of fears. Whether it's fear of judgement or fear of facing our own faults, I don't know. It might be fear of losing, losing someone, losing battles, losing our own self. Similar feelings, different matters... 
I'll not blabber more here, I've no words today. Lot of things are happening in personal life. I'm leaving you with this poem, which I'd written few hours ago while sitting on my writing desk.
When the phone rings
in the early hours of morn, 
everyone in home
gets a feeling
of a familiar fear, 
We're scared!
A questioned stare 
we give each other
There's a silence
we share.
One of us volunteers
to pick up the phone, 
Somewhere aware, 
Prepare ourselves to mourn.
We should skip this call, 
Let's not call back
Try to avoid
whatever on stake. 
There's ring again
but we're already prepared
to face, even though
we're scared. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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