If I could be a Child again

 If I could be a child again, 

I would dance in rain

which I've always hated

for no reason sane.

I know you would say, 

you can do it now, but hey! 

you're the also one who

love to picked up on me and slay

my plans, dreams, I know your dirty plays. 

If I could be child again, 

I would tell my friend

I never hated him/her, 

I just had to go ahead, 

My decisions were more firm, 

than the relationships, 

It might be true the strings

were loose from my side

But there's a lot you did hide. 

If I could be child again, 

I would tell myself

It's okay to be angry, it's okay to cry

with the passage of time

tears would dry. 

If I could be child again, 

I would tell her to forgive

everyone, who did right or wrong, 

Life is all about forgiveness,

Thus become a happy song. 

I don't know why we have never been taught to forgive others and most importantly ourselves. We're always asked to compete and run. In this race we often start competing with ourselves and then we just become harsh, critic and obsessed. I wrote this poem during one of my recent evening walks (Weather is great now). After writing, I contemplated how much hatred I have been carrying for people in my heart. But I'm not the only one here. We all are human beings, connected somehow to same strings of love, hate, happiness, sorrow, passion and pain. This poem is very rough and raw and haven't been edited. I hope you'll like it.

Lots of Love... 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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