Reading Recommendations from 2020

 Reading is one of my favorite hobby and the situation around the world has contributed more to this hobby. In 2020 I explored more Indian literature. It's always difficult to list favorite books but still here are few recommendations from my side that you should definitely check out if you love reading:

1. Once upon a Curfew by Srishti Chaudhary

This book is based on 1970's Delhi. The story revolves around protagonist named Indu who happened to share her real or full name with erstwhile Prime Minister of India, Smt. Indira Gandhi. The book caputres problems faced by Indu to set up a library for women, the constant fight between her emotions for Rana (Indu's romantic interest) and her fiancee (whom she barely knows), declaration of National Emergency, how Rana and his friend Fawad mysteriously disappeared during emergency and Rana's sudden appearance after an year. 

 Will Indu and Rana be together?  To know all that you have to read this book. 

 2. Ghachar Ghochar by Vivek Shanbhag

 Ghachar ghochar is a psychological drama, originally written in Kannada and is translated in to English by Srinath Perur. It's a story of unnamed narrator and his family's journey from lower middle class to upper class. Although it's not told by narrator but we somehow start to feel that there's something fishy in the way they get so rich. The story also captures how people change with  riches. Vincent (waiter of coffee house) said 'Sir, you may want to wash your hand. There's blood on it. ' What was that narrator really wanted to convey? 

This short story or novella is worth a try. 

 3.The Times of Love and Longings~ Amrita and Imroz 

Edited by Ms. Uma Trilok and translated in to English by Ms. Arvinder

Reading love letters always feel like we are sneaking in to someone's personal life. But these letters shared between two artists, Amrita Pritam (famous Punjabi poetess and painter Imroz) are not only good for reading but also teach us patience. The patience people used to have in early times. The wait and understanding if letter didn't reach on time or didn't even delivered. These letters also reflect how much supportive they are for one another. My favorite words from these letters are: 

 " Writing to you from an alien country has reminded me that today is fifteenth of August. The day our country got independence. 

 If a human being can symbolize this day, I would like to say you are my fifteenth of August. 

 The day I come to you

 My existence, my being was liberated. "

4. Emotional Intelligence why it can matter more than IQ by Daniel Goleman

This book stresses upon the importance of emotional intelligence in our lives and how being emotionally intelligent can help us to take smart decisions which could eventually lead us to success and how sometimes people with high IQ couldn't reach the success which is expected by them or they're meant for. This book is little repetitive in some places which you might not like. But still, it's worth reading. 

5. मंझली दीदी by Sarat Chandra Chatopaadhyaay

Pc- Epicon

Originally written in Bengali in 1950, this story revolves around a boy Kishan who has lost his mother and is ill treated by his step sister (Kadambini), her husband and their son. Hemagini (sister in law of Kadambini) develops motherly affection for Kishan and Kishan starts to see his lost mother in Hemagini. How will people react to thier relationship and how much people living in same world can be cruel and kind, this book captures beautifully. 

6. The Gardner by Rabindranath Tagore

Pc- Amazon Kindle

Rabindranath Tagore is known as national poet of India. He was the first Indian as well as Asian to win Nobel Prize in literature for his poetic work Gitanjali.

The Gardner is collection of poems/songs about love and life, love between lovers, humanity, and unity with universe. Some of my favorites are:

1. Love unexpressed is sacred. It shines like gems in the gloom of the hidden heart. In the light of the curious day it looks pitifully dark.

2. The free bird cries, 'It cannot be, I fear the closed doors of the cage.' The cage bird whispers. 'Alas, my wings are powerless and dead.'

3. This love between you and me is simple as a song.

Apart from these I would also recommend Collected short stories by Satyajit Ray, Triology of novels by RK Narayan, Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari, The Adivasi will not Dance: Stories by Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar. 

What are you reading these days Or  What's your favorite book? Recommendations are always welcome here. 

With this I'm signing off.

Happy Reading. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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