The Intruder

I always write my feelings about love, my restlessness, childhood, nature... But I forgot to confess my feelings for a person who loves you the most and cares for you every single time, who is concerned and want to know your every movement, Our favorite- The intruder. 
This is a small love poem for my favorite person which may sound like sad breakup to my busybody. 😊

You show like you don't care, 
We're aware of your cold stares. 
You may veil your face by the 
mask of innocent expressions, 
But my dear intruder! 
You can't remove the impression
of your doings and deceptions. 
You may be depressed 
that we are not together anymore, 
After whatever happened, 
Things (we don't want to) can't be restored. 
Life opened millions doors, 
We chose ours and peacefully moved on! 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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