Spring 2020 🌱

The silence has prevailed all over the streets of my village. Due to COVID-19, we all are in homes. Since, my routine of spending early hours of the morning on my window has not changed. So I penned, how the small world around my window has changed...

Nowdays I sit by the window
and see no one, 
except the sun smiling from the sky
over the trees and birds. 
This is the time of springs, 
cold has still not gone. 

Mountains covered with fresh snow, 
dandelions on the foothills,
Dahlia on the pots, 
Dancing bees are going crazy, 
Sparrows are chirping loudly this morn.

The street which is usually 
the centre of fascination for me, 
The saint with harmonium, 
Cyclist milkman, gossipmongers (walkers), 
and children in school uniforms, 
But today they're locked in their homes. 

Well, my window is still here, 
and new creeper on its sidewall, 
My mornings are now filled
with calm sunrise and spend
in comprehending the strategies of 
stray dogs as they roam. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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