Winters Inside Out

I tried to write few verses or sentences but words didn't pop in my head. I wanted to write and tell so many things but words didn't form a understandable and socially acceptable sentence. It felt like the ink in my pen had been frozen. To add to the gloom sun wasn't up. If someone asks me what I don't like about winters, I would say rising of sun after 8 or 9 in the morning.

I knew that I won't be able to write this morning again. So, I decided to leave my diary at peace.

I walked out of the house nearly 11 of the morning. I came out of the gate and a stray cat ran inside another gate. 'There are so many cats here',I heard myself saying. I walked across the park saw two boys playing badminton in purely wrong way. 'Those teenagers might be brothers. ', I said in my head while observing their facial similarities. 

I crossed the park and move ahead to road. Don't know for how many times I'd passed through this road. I walked in fast pace, which was less than a run but more than a stroll. I was angry, I knew I was angry. Anger is such an emotion which is hard to let go. I think in twenties anger is synonym of disappointment. Disappointment from people, from friends, from ourselves. My heart was thumping, body was sweaty. I decided to sit on roadside bench and took off my jacket. My vision was blurry, face was hot and red. Probably I was crying, silent tears. A lady who appeared to be in her late 50s asked me, "who wears sleeveless in this cold weather." I laughed at her question and wore jacket again. After all world isn't that bad place to live. 

After few minutes I picked up my backpack and headed to my destination. 



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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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