
I was sitting on the bench, not knowing what thoughts I was lost in, a voice from behind caught my attention.  When I looked back, a lady was asking me about trendy shoes nowadays. She was an elderly lady with walking stick in her one hand. I'm not a person of small talk. I usually respond with smile. With the mask on, it has become difficult to respond. 

Well, that happy lady left me soon to buy herself shoes. But she made sure to tell me that she's only 65 years young. And she was more young than me and the fellows of my age.

I went to bookstore just to come out empty handed. I bought myself a coffee, made myself comfortable again on same bench and started to look around.

When you're hanging out alone people tend to come to you to talk more often.  An old man or woman offers you a candy or nut, a random person asks you about book you're reading. How can I forget an old man/ woman's political thoughts! It's better to stay silent and let them talk, nod in agreement whenever necessary. I'm not saying you shouldn't listen to them. You can use their wisdom to enhance your wisdom. But silence and a listener is all they usually want. Sometimes people might give you suspicious stare ( I think mostly it's in our head).

I witnessed the momentarily flight of pigeons. Some kid goes near the flock, where they usually pick up grains and Voila! they fly away just to return to their place again. Just like I came out to go back to my place again. 

I reminisced about past, brood over future. This is what I usually do. The sun was about to set and was giving yellow orange hue. As I started to hear the chirrup of mynas returning to their nests, I decided to return home. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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