
In winter the dew settles on window panes and starts to slide down slowly to settle on the window sill. The first ray of sun has kissed the dew on window panes and I've started to think of you. 

Sometimes I like to pretend that you're sitting beside me and we're talking to each other. I know you're just a call away but imagination is the best way to pour your heart out. 

I'll ask questions and we both will agree on the same conclusion. Today I'll talk, cry and laugh then I'll leave everything according to your advice. I know you're always worried about my habit of not saying hello to my neighbor, or not meeting any relative or friend. We might not agree on an issue as I used to before. Today I'll assure you I'm still the same old me for you and for every friend who's silently supporting me. With the passage of time, I might have changed but you're still my comfort. I still think of you whenever I feel lonely. I'll assure you I'm not angry. 

While talking to you, I didn't even realize, when the dew dried up and got absorbed in the air. How much talkative we're!

With the ring of my phone, I come back to my senses. Oh, it's your call Mother dear and I'm prepared to answer what have I eaten today...


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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