
I know I'm not posting regularly these days. I'm going through severe writing slump. A lot have been happened in past days. It's not that I didn't write at all but I wasn't able to organize those thoughts. 

Today I just felt like pouring my heart out. Season of Love is here. I know you don't need any special day or week to express your love. But I see nothing wrong in celebrating it. I mean everyone loves gifts and surprises, feeling of love and being loved. 

We always think that our life is our life. Whatever we're going to do will only affect us, which is actually true to some extent (or may be large for few). But sometimes one tear of ours can break the other apart. I'm not saying that one should do things just to make others happy. It's our life and we own it. With this we should not forget that when we demean ourselves, we demean the people who love us, we break the trust that they have on us. Just because it didn't happen according to you or you couldn't make it this time, doesn't mean it's the end of the world (although we behave like that). By hating ourselves we deceive our conscience and our loved ones. 

We love to find the one reason that would make us sad rather than the beautiful things happening around us. Some might laugh over me but it's true my friend, There is someone in this world who is saddened by your misery and happy with happiness. He/she can be anyone (your mother, father, sister, brother, lover, cousin, friend, anyone). Your one smile can make their day. And Who doesn't like happy faces?  

After every storm we'll gather all our strength again, gradually we'll make stand ourselves up to fight again. But this can be only possible if we keep loving ourselves, keep believing ourselves. We should keep trusting the words of our loved ones, keep trusting their trust. 

My dear friend Self Love is important, not always for ourselves but also for those who love us. 

Happy Valentine's Day. 



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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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