30 July 2018

We were sitting in nearby park. The place where I usually spent my evenings while I was in that city. City where I experienced freedom for the first time. Freedom always brings responsibilities. Being a person who has been carrying the burden of responsibilities since childhood I wasn't afraid. It was difficult to live in a place, which you hardly know, without a friend, without a family whom I hadn't met since the day they left. But I was strong, I was content and might be happy!

I was going through a turmoil when you clicked this picture. I didn't want you to leave. I didn't want to cry though my eyes were moist. You knew I always smile at the camera even when I'm sad. 

"Hey! Look at the camera. " You said. 

But I didn't. I didn't want you to capture my sadness. So I turned back without saying anything. 

Kid from a well settled family was playing with the child of his househelp. They were giggling, rolling themselves on grass, holding each other hands like brothers. Watching them was happy scene but the instant realisation of they'll grow up and never will look at each other with same friendliness because of social and economic norms, crushed me so badly that I grabbed my phone from your hand and ran to my sister. Without waving you good bye, without saying a word. 

After a long rant of mine, sister patted my back and said, " Look! It is what it is. We may not change the society but how can you be so sure that other kid will not reach at higher place? The path may be hard for him but are you a future predictor? " Saying that she headed to kitchen without waiting for my answer. And I left alone in the balcony thinking and smiling at this picture. 



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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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