Those Old Lanes

The downpour from the grey sky 
drenched the whole earth, 
The drops settled on the leaves
And the trees stand still. 
I came out of my house
to feel the damp air on my skin, 
the droplets on the grass, 
beneath my feet. 
Childhood memories screened 
before my eyes, 
when we played cricket
under the shade of mango tree, 
Whether the sun or the shower
it protected us like mother, 
Previous monsoon, it struck by the 
lightning from the sky, 
shielded house from the thunder, 
It is still standing tall, 
for my wonder. 
I shook the lower branch of tree
and the raindrops fell over me, 
As if it was showering
Love on me. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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