One year of blog

Last year on this day I decided to create "The Nk blog". I was little sceptical before starting, who is going to read? Why do people take interest in my writings? Do I really need to share them? Creating a blog is different thing and continuing is different. All these things were revolving around my mind. But today I'm happy that I have created this blog. 
This journey of one year brought many ups and downs and most importantly great lessons of life and experiences. 

I have been questioned many times for not writing some lines or story before my poems, so that my readers could get hint. Well, dear reader I want you to read it in your way. I don't wish to impose my way of thinking on you and hinder your thought process. I want you to feel my poems so that they could become yours. Some readers take them literally, some try to understand metaphors, similes, images used by me. This is obviously not the case with my stories. 

Some readers think me an intense lover, some a story teller and some think I'm just another person lost in nature. And most interestingly, one of them thinks I can talk to  winds and rain and I interact with sky and earth. That reader usually asked me to write to sky and ask to stop continues rains, which I'm not going to do. Simply because I can't do it! 

Thank you readers, for sending your lovely messages and comments on my posts. Thank you to all the readers from all over the world and thank you to the readers who comment anonymously. 
I'm ending this post with these words which I'd read somewhere long time ago, 

" Just like a sunflower, 
After a summer shower, 
My inspiration is you "

Keep reading... ❤


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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