
Last evening when I reached my place, I lay on my bed without changing. I scrolled the internet for a while and watched some short 15-second videos which were an utter waste of time. I came out of my room and started to walk on the terrace. The rustle of leaves was in sync with the hymn in my mind. 
I saw a flock of migratory birds flying from one direction to another. Even the birds know when and where they are valued and when they should move to another place. Rivers change their course after a period, winds change their direction, bears hibernate, and fishes leave the watershed. 
With thousands of thoughts in my mind, I came inside, refreshed myself and made myself a hot cup of tea. I picked up my diary and soaked the sun peeping through my window. A kitten came to sit on the window out of nowhere. I didn't disturb him at all. I don't want to get attached to him only to leave this place and make him wait for me at this window without any hope. Hope is a weird thing, either it makes someone reach the end of the tunnel and find light or breaks hearts when shattered. Gathering little pieces isn't easy. Those who are trying shouldn't be judged. Well, it's not written on somebody's face who is trying. Fitting in isn't easy, not everyone wants to fit in your stupid little cocoon. They should be given space.
I looked at the kitten, sitting silently, minding his own business. I started to hum a '60s melody. And continued to scribble till dusk.


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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