Smoke of emotions

It was a winter morning. The layer of dew was settled on everything. As I stepped outside I felt the few drops falling and getting settled on my hair making it more frizzy. Every season has its own charm. Damp grass blades sticked with my boots. My phone had rung manytimes. Why this person is calling me after ten years? Leaving a kid in smog for getting lost forever, now this person wanted to meet me. I'd already forgive this person and now I wanted to forget it too. My phone rang again and I didn't pick up again. 

In a panic, I tried to light up my cigarette even knowing I might be fined by a cop at any minute. I'd stopped smoking many years ago, but this years old pack is still with me. I couldn't let it go. Whenever I feel any odd emotion I pull a cigarette out and place it again in the pack without smoking. Ah! Leaving isn't hard. Hard is forgetting the feel of smoke. 

I'm walking with double pace almost running. I might catch train to new place. I know running isn't the solution. But it's the need of the hour for my sanity. 

The number flashed again on my cell. But ring stopped the halfway, as the battery was exhausted. So am I. As I saw train leaving the station, I boarded it without any thought and plans for future.


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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