
It was another day of my solo travel. I entered the cafe with my muddy boots and ordered myself a coffee. I rested my backpack on one chair and sat on another as if I was dating my backpack. Which is kind of true. I started to flip the pages of my book. Soothing music was playing in the background. The aroma of coffee was everywhere. It was quite early in the morning. There was no other customer there. I looked at the old dusty window panes. They were trodden like a heart filled with regret. We spend our whole life thinking that what if life was another way round? Whether it's regret or disappointment with life. It's difficult to decode the cryptic messages life sends to us. I think those who can understand each signal of life are saints and may become gods someday. But I have currently no mood for leaving my human side. Perfection is never gonna be celebrated. At least by me. I'm not sure about others.
My thoughts were interrupted by a clang on the door. Another traveller entered the cafe. I didn't like his presence at first but as I further observed him I recognized him as the man I’d spent my evening with, at the lake in another city. Last time we just kept on sitting there, smiling once or twice. I smiled and said hey to him. As he returned my greetings I picked up my backpack from the chair and made a seat for him. We indulged in some conversation, a little awkward at first.
The music in the background forced me to tap my feet softly on the ground. The clear blue sky outside the window seemed to tell me that today was not the day of regrets. This time I offered my hand to my friend and we danced till the afternoon. 



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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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