Lamp post

Under the lamp post of the park, I saw two kids playing, doing rounds of it. About fifteen years ago this lamp post was brought here, to this park. Since then it has witnessed a lot. It has smeared itself in the color of Holi, bathed in rain, basked in the winter sun, covered itself under the bedsheet of snow, burned like charcoal in summer, and become a source of light for someone on Diwali. This lamp post always let the moths fly around it during the night. It took pity on them as those tiny moths might not be there tomorrow even after a few hours but the lamp post will remain there. Sometimes it serves as a resting point for birds, sometimes as a meeting point for lovers, and sometimes just a pole to make rounds like the kids doing right now. 
This lamp post keeps an eye on everyone around. Everyone knows it's there but nobody acknowledges its presence. Is it even possible for nonliving things to stare? But few kids say that this lamp post stares back. It is always surrounded by creatures but it rarely has any company. It stands aloof as if unaware of things happening around it.
I wanted to write more about the lamp post which resembles more humane than humans around me. I got distracted by the bark of dogs. During my evening walks I never fail to notice these two dogs. One, a red-collared beagle behind posh fences, and the other, a small little puppy (stray) on the road tied with a cloth leash. Well, that's another story, maybe will write about them some another time.


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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