February 2023

I was scrolling through social media when I realized I have started to use this little device much more than I used to in the past few months. 
Some thoughts feel relevant at that moment but then with the passing days, weeks, or months, they start to lose relevance. Sometimes even after a few moments. Maybe they were not relevant at all. Is it okay if you pour them out? Is it okay to speak your mind? I'm even afraid to express them in my diary, I feel that these blank pages will judge me. I know it's ridiculous to think like this. But thoughts are thoughts. You just can't push them aside or dump them in the dustbin. To distract myself, I picked up my coffee mug from the table and threw the content of the remaining coffee in the sink. Flipped pages of a book that I'm currently reading. Useless flipping.
Sometimes nothing interests me. Maybe today is that day. Day of nothingness. Day of sunlight with dew settled in heart.
Half-read book stares at my face with longing eyes. Half wrote poetry in my diary still waiting to see what lies in its destiny. And, I've no intention to complete it. Some things are beautiful without their completion. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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