
Hey all, 

It's raining here for third or fourth day or centuries. This made me sit down and write blog, while sipping my masala chai (as friends from West say Chai Latte). It works wonders if you've cold.

I had talked about my writing slump in one of the previous posts. There are numerous incomplete draft. Today I've tried to come out of this. 

Here's a raw piece of poetry, which I'd scribbled in the early hours of morning. I hope you'll like it.

The humidity in the air
shirts cling to bodies, 
moving for their dears
from dark potholes to bright lobbies.
How the color of skin changes
with path, place, time
When shadows come out of the wall,
leap over to hymn, 
to the temple of lost dreams.
Clouds are gathering
moving in circular motion, 
rain will fall over the ashes, 
will lead to the corrosion. 
But how much one
can damage the
already damaged iron.
None of the ointment
are going to work
Neither can carry the disappointment
nor can pull off the smirk. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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