Nightmare or Reality???

I was browsing the bookstore when I felt a pang of loneliness. I knew this feeling would leave me soon. After all, I didn't visit the bookstore alone. The noise of people started to irritate me like the buzz of a housefly in my ear. I shut my ear with my hands to block that buzz from coming toward me. Everything stopped but my heartbeat. 

Who on earth has ever been successful in deceiving his own heart? I shut my eyes. But still I could see that my heart was increasing in size constantly. It was becoming bigger and bigger and started to pop out of my body. There came a point when it burst into a thousand pieces. Those pieces fell in every direction, some pieces decided to hang in the air. A few people came forward to collect those pieces as if those were some precious metal. Some tried to place them in their voids. Some tried to swallow those. 

I was standing there, alive, wondering why they were so greedy? Greedy or needy? I could see a part of me in them. 

I felt like every little piece that I had dumped long ago was floating before my eyes. Why these pieces weren't in their place! Arranged! Hidden! 

I was trembling, the world around me shattering. I tried to open my eyes. I asked for help but an unknown hand had strangled me. 

I wanted a jolt which could throw me out of the situation. I felt a strong blow on my back and opened my eyes with a shudder. But I wasn't in the bookstore anymore. When did we return? I checked the time, it was 3 in the morning. I realized we hadn't even visited a bookstore that day. I again closed my eyes and went back into the world of slumber. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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