Little bit of Love

As usual, I'm again sitting idle. This is the most common start of accounts, encounters (or whatever you want to call) which I often share here. Sometimes I feel that you (yes! You, my reader) are definitely bored of this beginning. But still you come here again and again to see what story this idler has to tell. 

Oh! yes, story. 

I'm an early riser and love to see the sunrise. I was standing on the balcony that morning. The sun was about to rise. Few people were coming out of their houses for morning walk . I was slightly irritated by the constant cooing of pigeons. One stray kitten was busy jumping from wall to wall while another was sitting by my side. In this city, people hire men to wash their cars daily, unlike in my own place, where people usually forget when was the last time their vehicle took a bath.

A deliveryman was waiting to deliver a courier outside a house. A guy came out with a toothbrush in his mouth, the deliveryman handed him a bouquet of roses and left.I wish I could see the light in that rose guy's eyes. I tried to imagine what he was going to do with flowers. He might place them in a water jar in the hope that they'll bloom some more days. He might discard them soon. Or he would wait for some petals to dry to keep them in his books. 

'Love makes you do crazy things.', a thought crossed my mind. The societal norms usually make us question ourselves, our abilities, our choices. But love knows no bounds. Whether it's love for a person or for your aim. That's what those writers say. This complicated term, love, affection, yet so easy to feel. No one is left untouched by it.

When we lose our way, our hope, there's always someone to remind us that we're loved by them. Sometimes we do it on our own. I don't know how many times we've picked up our pieces after shattering.

My thoughts came to a halt because of a little play fight between kittens. I decided to leave them there and go back to my daily life.



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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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