
When we reached the restaurant, it was pretty empty. We decided to take seat on their terrace.

'The sweater season is here.', I remarked to which my sister asked, 'Which season isn't sweater season here? ' She's right in hills you only need couple of hours of rain. 

It was sunny today. A perfect weather to uplift my mood. I decided to soak the sun and have little walk on the roof as there was enough space. In one corner a couple was chatting. I glanced at their side for few seconds, there were two glasses on their table and half filled bottle of beer. 

I stop by the edge of roof and took the stand of railing, facing toward north. Below there were few vehicles, localites were moving to and fro for their day to day work. There was an occasional honking of horn. When I looked straight there were mountains.Clouds had covered the upper range. 'Mountains from where I always try to run away.', I thought. 

'Why on earth food isn't coming? What's taking so long? ' I asked to my sister who had already placed our order.

'I'm not a chef.', came an instant and expected reply and she returned to her mobile screen. 

I laughed and sat by her side. After a little while, to kill the time we decided to click some pictures. I always like empty or less crowded cafes. Though I'm not a kind of shy person who bothered about the stares of people while clicking pictures, still most of the time I prefer to go there in early morning as there would be hardly any customer there. 

'How good we look on each other's clothes than on our own', she remarked.

'Yeah! it's true to some extent for all siblings.' I replied agreeing with her and settled on my seat. 

After a short while I saw the couple going out from place. The warmth in their eyes could be felt. Warmth of love, care and support. Our whole life we crave for it and when there's our chance to seize that moment, we simply pass by it as if it doesn't exist. Life is funny! Some has constant source of warmth, they don't even acknowledge it and some has none still they dare to look for it everywhere, in each and every person. 

Sometimes we might be wrong, sometimes we might be right. The path may lead to nowhere. But what's more worse than regretting for not trying at all. 

I had nearly dozed off and came to senses with the arrival of food. As our food was on table, I forget about everything and my only concern was the warmth of food.


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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