
'I've seen the ghost of Aruna', said my neighbor to his friends. I have been hearing these rumors for the last six months. I know these are just rumors, not the truth because the way they describe the ghost they've seen is vague. Neither I've been of slender figure nor I like the white color. People give my description as a ghost that resides in their heads. 

The first two days were difficult to accept the fact I'm not a living person anymore. What they've done to my body, I don't know. Neither I'm interested to know. After living my life alone for long 45 years, one day I felt a pain in my chest. I don't think I need to tell you what happened after that. All I know is now people can't see me. Those who say they've seen are either lying or are too much afraid of ghosts.

Women who had lived alone their whole life always remained an issue of discussion for people of her eccentric nature, her sudden death (although natural) is enough for them to make up a story of ghosts. They even speculate that I've been murdered or committed suicide.

Sometimes few antisocial elements of society pay a visit here to find my ghost. After shouting Aruna! Aruna!, they leave. Then you'll hear them boasting that there's no ghost and they spent a whole night in this haunted house.

But nobody knows, I always ignore them as I tended to do when I was alive. Once I tried to come in front of a person who was saying he is friends with ghosts, and he became tongue-tied at once and ran away. He never returned since then and I never showed myself again. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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