Brewing Thoughts

We were sitting inside the cafe, facing the door. The rain drops were sliding down the glass door. We both were silent or one can say I wasn't in mood of making conversation. Someone entered through that door and also brought the gust of humid air. 

'So monsoon has arrived here.', you said in casual tone. I only smiled. The thought of rain itself annoys me. I was born in rainy season. So I'm supposed to love it. But on the contrary I hate it. Although it wasn't the case in childhood. Well today I'll not bore my readers with my childhood stories.

'Why are you so agitated, Nily? The way you are staring outside the door is really scary.' I almost fell from the chair while laughing.

'Now my sudden laugh will make the situation more scary.' I replied with cheerfulness. 

'Your ways of suddenly falling silent and suddenly  breaking in to talk makes me scare sometimes. I keep on wondering what's going on inside your head.' 

'It's been more than 5 years now, you must have little bit of idea what I might be thinking. ' I replied. Now you smiled and changed the topic. 

We kept on chatting for two - three hours, on different topics. Rain had stopped by now. It was nearly 8'o clock when my phone rang, it was my twin asking for house keys. I asked her to wait and we both came outside the cafe.

While walking home you said, 'I know what were you thinking. But that's not going to change the situation.' I was about to say something we heard a voice saying under the street light, 'Yeah! she has the habit of blaming herself. Even for the heavy rains.' We looked in the direction of voice. It was my sister standing there, who said that since the house was locked she came for stroll outside for a while.

We three went in the direction of home and our loud chatter filled the empty street. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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