No more Escape


I'm sitting alone in this living room.  It's nearly 11:15 pm. Fan is on and I can hear it's mechanical sound. I'm sitting on red couch with coffee on its edge and a book which I'm currently reading. The wedding invitation (which I didn't attend obviously) card placed on the table fly for few seconds by blow of fan and has been finally settled on floor. 

I get up to place card again on table and use sanitizer bottle as paper weight. 

My imagination has really stopped working. All I can see when I open or close my  eyes is this sanitizer bottle. I don't want to write about these masks and sanitizers but for how long can I keep them away from my writings. How hard it has become to think about the life before masks! How much hard... When you can't even pretend your are happy. Even imagination has been spoiled now.

Let's just not think about this. May be I'll read my book and drink another cup (don't think I'm caffeine addict). I can drink countless cups a day or can go for months without it, it's just a mood. I will close this page with my favorite lines by Rabindranath Tagore:

"In the moon thou sendest thy love letters to me," said the night to the sun. "I leave my answers in tears upon the grass."

Dated: 16 April 2021


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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