12 April 2021 [12:58 AM]


'I have never been a good friend, never gave my time to them. But what about the time I needed for me? I have always respected my personal space. Perhaps more than others! Why do I never feel like sharing my personal life with them? Why do I not ask for favour in trouble? Why? After talking about their sadness they felt relaxed but when I needed the mental support where were they? Oh yes, I never told them! I tried my best to keep them but how can I let others violate my priorities, my personal space, where no one is allowed, except me. Shall I ever be able to find that friend? Probably never.'

I was fussing over this when I lost my hold on my diary and it fell down. The old and dry rose petals, bookmark and some torn pieces of paper. 'Is this diary or some old treasure that is coming out so much?' I laughed over my own joke. I gathered everything up and placed them on their places. Torn paper in dustbin, bookmark in some random book and rose petals went back to diary.

How easily I decided their right place! If they would be living things, they might not like their new place. How much that rose has gone through before reaching in my diary? What did it feel when it was plucked from its plant, its home? Did that place ever felt like home? Is my diary final home? How can I ever come to know roses don't speak! How long torn paper had lived with bookmark before turning in to pieces? How much suffering it has gone through? Again, how can I know I don't even remember why did I tear that page apart. Bookmark also has its own story. But it stays on same place with different books like a human in a city with different people. And in the end it might end up like that torn paper or like rose petals.

Nobody knows, neither I nor you my dear reader. 


  1. Life is a roller coaster ride. Just Do It ❤️❤️

  2. Replies
    1. since I don't know the emotions behind your 'Acha', I'll take it as my article is 'Acha'. Thank you


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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