
Sometimes we have to part our ways, we have to say goodbye to those who have been very close to us once. I wrote this poem when I was going through this phase, although it was not the first time. We always think it's their fault, but after sometimes we realise that the reason of our split was our different priorities. So, let's just forgive those people and move ahead in our lives.

Reminiscing about the old times
when we were together, 
Embraced each other,
enjoyed every weather. 

I belong to wild, 
and you are civilized, 
I'm a free will, 
You are law abide. 

I still remember the day 
when the skies were clouded,
we parted our ways, 
the love faded, 
And lost it's hue. 

I once turned to see you again, 
there's no one
but sorrow and pain, 
So I moved on my path
And chose the flowers,
my own,
to welcome the beatitude
with my arms wide open. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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