End of winters

Pic credit- Mother

The day is young and bright
I'm gazing at the still mountains 
who seem to kiss the blue sky.

I could see the white snow spreading
its clothes all over the mountains,
And the familiar broad road,
on a mountain which hasn't changed 
since my childhood.

The mango tree is swinging with the breeze
as if advising its little children 
to embrace the sun and the rain,
Welcome the spring and fight the hail. 

Little mynah(s) are playing hide and seek,
Sparrows feed grains,
Woodpecker is busy with its beak,
Without paying attention to my existence,
I'm lost in the forest dense
of my heart, which is clouded
by some wrenching thoughts.

A gust of wind comes from the north,
as it brings snow in its scent,
Whispers loudly in my ears 
your winters are about to end. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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