Day of sorrow

On the day of my fiasco 
I cried with pain,
Damp face and red eyes
Hidden in the winter's rain.
Walking through the road without any clue,
sunless sky full of gloom.
No one could hear the 
wailing of my grieved heart,  
On tranquil mountains the stroke of
lightening storm had left it's deep mark.
Even after such a long time 
this thorn still pricks my soul,
Not only I lamented 
but my world as whole.
The vestiges are still there speak in a deep cry,
to remind me I haven't done anything,
My sun is yet to rise. 


  1. Powerful and specially that ending tho 💕💕💪


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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