Little Black Bird

I wrote this poem for a bird that has become part of my evening walks. I believe that we both share some strange relationship. We try to solve unanswered mysteries of life and questions and insecurities about future.

Oh little black bird! 
You arrive with the twilight 
and always rest on this
old dry tree
despite the forest full of greens; 

You sit here for a while 
And keep on sinking in
whirlpool of thoughts 
before going to your home;

The wrench in your heart
and scruples of your mind
your silent voice and 
moment of solace;

Oh pensive bird
without a song!
Are you mourning about the things 
You wished to do
but didn't?
Or is this the
moment of introspection 
for you 
to perceive the mysteries of life?

With the arrival of 
eye kissing moon light 
you make your flight
with the explanation of your
But you will come
tomorrow and forever
to this old dry tree 
with the same questions 
having different interpretation
As long as you keep on flying 
in this endless blue sky.


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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