One winter morning...

It was an early winter morning. I took a walk over the hill that I use to see from the window of my room. My mind was clouded with thoughts of future like the mist concealed the pines and oaks in her arms. The face of sun had been veiled by the clouds. The melody of water spring and the voice of nightingale spreaded all over the mountains. There came shepherds and their flock who had made their way to the lower hills. The chilling wind started playing with my hair. Some birds were still in their habitats, while some had already flied to the warmer place. Pine's branches moved slowly and slowly as if he was speaking with his brothers cedar and oak in secret language of silence. The road was narrow and the fresh pour of dew during the dawn had made it more slippery. My agitated heart started singing...

I'm sitting by the cascade
water beneath,
The thoughts of upcoming
winters are haunting me.
Would the walls of my
heart able to fight cold winds,
Would my body resist
 the hail storm to fall on my kids?
 Would I be able to welcome
 snowfall with warm smile
 to feed my family,
 when the paves and paths close,
 Would I be able to travel the
 path I chose?

When I reached at the top of the hill, the sun smiled over me by peeking behind the curtain of clouds. The emerald of dew drops were shinning. Hope of sun after storm scattered the clouds of my heart. Now there left a woman whose heart is calm and determined to face and defeat the storm.


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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