
It was March night, I watched the snow falling silently, settling on the roof, branches, wherever it could fill the space. I watched people enjoying a bonfire, from the window. After travelling for 7 hours, I was in no mood to meet new people and have conversations. I dropped the idea of going out and asked for food in my room. The owner of the stay generously offered me his company for the next day which I politely refused, as I wasn't sure about my next day’s plan. He left the room, asking me to tell him if I changed my mind. Cute guy! I found myself speaking. 

After having food, I made myself comfortable in the chair. You were sitting in front of me. What a surprise! You came here too! You are like becoming like these mountains, No matter how much I run away from mountains, fate always pushes me toward them. After all, I’m a Himalayan child, how long can I live away from my home?

To defy your stare, I tried to stare back. But I was afraid you're going to see what’s in my heart. How can somebody's stare just look through you? I don't know! But your does. Your eyes wanted me to speak, your lips parted as if to say something but you pursed them again. I wondered who told you I was here. I was on sick leave, and nobody knew where I was. How do you always find me? 

Your face, was calm, carrying a blank expression. As if reflecting my inner thoughts, which were blank. Ignoring you sitting there, I started to move things here and there. I emptied my backpack and put things back again. Placed my coat from one chair to another. People outside had now started to sing and dance. Something we both couldn't resist. But you kept on sitting there. How come the issue can be resolved if we would never talk? Talk. We both couldn't bring our words to the table. From the other side of the door, there's someone, who could be my future or might be the one place of my path and here I was still holding on to you.

Brooding all over this when I fell asleep on the chair, I didn't know. I woke up with the sun's rays falling over my eyes. The snow was still fresh from the previous night. I heard a knock on my door. It was again the Same Cute Guy with coffee. As I opened the door for him smiling, I looked behind to have your one last look, you were outside, standing over the snow, slowly reaching the point where snow and sun meet. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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