
After tossing for a long time in bed I removed the curtains of the window. The star-studded sky welcomed me. I can gaze at the stars and moon for the whole night. The movement of the moon, playing hide-seek behind the clouds, I imagine that the moon has a face. I know a whole community of science enthusiasts is gonna hate me for this. But there is a thing in me that still doesn't let me kill my inner child. Life happens in such a way that sometimes all the logic and reasoning just don't make sense. I don't know whether time is powerful or cruel or both, I know one thing, for life, these timezones have no meaning. 

Tonight, again Jasmine has bloomed. I've always loved its fragrance. This fragrance brings back a myriad of memories. Memories come and go like a gust. Scatter themselves on the floor, in the sky, and everywhere that it becomes impossible for me to catch and put them in the box.

Rain also made a grand entrance. It's the fun of living in the mountains, rain comes and goes without any notice. Isn't that the case with life? It comes and goes without any intimation. The petrichor might have been the favourite of everyone but it is only loved because it reminds everyone of innocence. For Innocence it's really hard to thrive in today's world. I'm not sure how much of it is left in me. I can't recollect when was the last time I smiled genuinely. But isn't it the case with everybody? How does this moon smile so peacefully? Everything is here, nothing has been moved or removed yet everything isn't the same at all. Phone calls, texts, regrets, what's there to cry for? 

Winds have changed the course. They are blowing back to the mountains. This might be a sleepless night, but never mind I’ll witness the sunrise with my head held high. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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