Morning Call
I get up and stand by the railing to look down the street. A family of four is going for the morning walk. Sometimes I wonder what will happen in their life. Whenever we meet a stranger on a bus or anywhere, I usually wonder where are they going. How will their life be different from mine? A little squirrel has come down from the tree and is now crossing the road like a king. The street cat is still napping on the top of someone's car. Sometimes I wish I was that cat. Part of me wants to form bonds and take a new step in my life while a part of me wants to hold on, take time and just wants to stay in the corner. A part of me wants to rekindle old friends while a part of me wants to go on.
As the cold breeze of the morning is passing through my body, I feel like it is taking away the person from me, I was a day before. It is taking away a piece of me with itself. With every gust, some old conversations, laughter, songs and stories are coming to me and are getting replaced by others with another gust. I'm being transported to the past, where in the late afternoon a cheery voice asks me to open the door. Where we are lying under the winter sun and talking about all the unrealistic scenarios. Where the music from the slate roof is rising on a rainy day and a warm fire is lit.
But we are not the same person we used to be a day ago. Something in us changes regularly either physically or mentally. So does life. That family of strangers is coming back from their morning walk and it's time for me to come back to the present.
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