
I picked up my backpack and started my journey. Destination unknown. I never like to plan my trips much because planned trips often fail (a well-known fact). 'I can decide it while taking the bus.', I almost blurted.
The moving bus, labyrinthine roads, an open window, a baby's squeals, and a mixture of different dialects and languages of unending conversations. Nothing makes sense during traveling in public vehicles except everyone is heading to some place, their place, and will get lost in this crowded world, in their world.

I was welcomed by a clouded grey sky with a hint of blue in its canvas. It's the warmth of the snow that made me fight the turbulence of my heart. Soon the night would fall and I'd again creep back to bed with my book. I didn't know why I had traveled this far if the only thing I wanted to do is to read in peace.

I heard two crows conversing with each other from their respective trees. 'Why can't they both just perch together to have their little chat?', I asked myself as if I understood what were they conversing about.
'At least they are conversing', My thoughts were answered by a masculine voice, 'unlike us humans who keep most of our thoughts to ourselves and end up on the most miserable island called loneliness.'

Surprisingly, instead of waving my hand and moving ahead smiling, I extended my hand of friendship to that traveler.
The snow started to fall, silently, settled on those dried branches, and gently kissed my fingertips. The kiss melts away in the warmth of my hands. And an endless conversation followed.


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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