Who is out there for you?

वहाँ कौन है तेरा
मुसाफिर जाएगा कहाँ  ( Loose translation: Who is out there for you oh traveler! where will you go?)
is being played in the neighborhood.

Sunrays fall over my face. The refined heat passes through the window pane. I can see the shadow vapors rising through my hair drenched in dew. Soaking my hands and feet in my share of sunlight.
I wish my thoughts could transpire like this dew on this window sill or could merge with other drops to become a coherent thought. A lot happens but nothing happens. When nothing happens a lot happens inside your mind.

दम ले ले घड़ी भर
ये छइयाँ पाएगा कहाँ ( better take a breath here where will you find this cool shade again)
I want to convey this to my thoughts and ask them to take some rest. Lucky are those who can ask their brain to not think anything at a moment. I don't know if this thing even exists. If exists, it must be in the transcendent state. Even if I might be able to put my thoughts on hold, where is my cool shade? I've lost mine. Maybe somewhere another shade is waiting for me. But the wound of losing the old one will ever get healed?

कहते हैं ज्ञानी, दुनिया है फानी
पानी पे लिखी लिखाई
है सबकी देखी, है सबकी जानी
हाथ किसी के ना आनी  ( learned people say this world is a mirage, everything is written on water, everyone knows, everyone has experienced it but nobody understands it)
The flight of crow makes me notice it. I didn't know it was perching over the branch in front of my window. It might have returned to its fellows after grieving. Life just happens, death is still a mystery. Mystery or truth? Whatever. I'm not a philosopher. All I know is I can't live isolated for long. I have to return to this mirage.  Without understanding, without any care, putting my mind at peace.

(Wahan Kaun Hai Tera Movie: Guide (1965) Singers: S.D. Burman Lyrics: Shailendra Music: S.D. Burman) 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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