Day Blindness

We always watch and admire, 
who knows to talk, who is helpful, 
who doesn't hesitate to take help either, 
We look for the faces and smiles, 
make friend with him or her
and move with our lives. 

Without realizing there's someone
who deserves more, 
who just can't put up the words together, 
who knows how to do but not to show, 
because of reticence. 

We ignore the soul and the heart
who is with us but falling apart, 
and keep looking for the upcoming feeds
of the pretty faces; because they show more
without any sense, 
they show their fake happiness and false pain, immense. 
They ask for attention for no reason, but we give them our all.
It's our nature, it's our brain, but we let them toying with it. 
And when the mirror of illusion breaks,
we see the real souls, 
But now the time has gone, 
never to comeback again. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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