
Today, I went to the other side of hill, 
Where I saw you for the first time and my will
to wait for you strengthened,
I listened to the nightingale,
in that early hour of dawn,
The spring in the mountains 
are about to begin,
which is accompanied by the winter
and followed by the summer,
which is celebrated by the bold sun
and the bad weather.
My heart sank thinking 
about the small span of spring,
A butterfly flew by my hair,
spreading its colorful wings,
And placed its feet
on the dandelion flower, 
Which you had placed on my hair, 
and promised to comeback.
Today passed the one more year
of yearning and contemplation,
my yearning heart 
and sobbing passion.
When the sun arises from the east,
I plucked the dandelion 
and dressed my hair,
I went back home
believing our fate.


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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