Today's World

(These words were written by George Orwell in his novel Nineteen Eighty Four (1984). This book is one of the most haunting portrayals of future of humankind.)

The world in which we are living today is slowly moving toward the hatred. Compassion, care, peace, fidelity, morals and ethics are slowly dying. The respect for other human, the trust, the greatest and most beautiful feeling of love are all replaced by hate and cruelty. Constantly world is facing some kind of crisis and wars.
Apart from war, even our hearts now have become ignorant and cold. Feeling of mutual trust, helping others, love for society is least found trait today. If we see any mishap, instead of helping whether we ignore it or share it on social media.

Reading headlines day by day,
Makes me scare and cry.
Where are we heading,
Instead of leaves, blood is shedding.
Compassion is crying in the corner,
Respect is now foreigner.
Flowers are ruined by the wolves,
Only Hunger, lust, greed evolves.
Small dew drops are crying for help,
But only few souls have been left.
Angels are crying from heaven,
Seeing this flow of venom.
Hatred is embraced by all,
Trust have been sold.
Conscience is lost somewhere,
Integrity is nowhere.
Love is counting its last breath,
Humanity is dying a slow death.

Well! we can try at our own levels to improve situations. We can spread love and hope. A small change makes a huge difference and then this world will become Blissful again 😊. 


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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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