
Showing posts from 2019

Pages of Past

Today, I visited the place where  we had spent our days and nights, Where we built our castle of love, far from others sight.  Isolation and silence of walls,  The air scented your presence, with the screaming waterfall, caused me pain immense.  In the ruins I looked for the pieces of my broken heart, In the shadow of sunlight  my eyes stared upward, You'd gone too far but I could feel you there with me,  The only difference was  I belonged to the earth,  And you were free.

Old Memory Lane

There are always two ways to reach school in the hills, one which is the main road through which all buses and cars go and the other is the short one, through the fields. Nily and Niah, twin sisters usually went to school through the fields. It was the short and safe way, for little girls of eight years, according to their mother because they didn't have to cross the concrete road. Nily and Niah had no problem with that as they could play freely in the fields while going to school and on their way back home. There was a big rock between those terrace fields, under the shade of a mango tree. After school both Nily and Niah used to play there with their schoolmates. They enjoyed catching dragonflies and teasing grazing cows, floating paper boats (obviously from their notebooks) in the nearby water stream. They sometimes sang loudly to disturb people who generally enjoy their noon sleep. They ate raw and ripe mangoes in summer and the rain. When they got tired they rest there fo

Thoughts under the winter's sun

Under the winter's sun I sat with my reads, The voice of calm wind  and the song of mountain birds, The sheet of snow covered  all the hills. In this splendid weather, My heart sinked in your memories. How we spent all time together, and now we were miles apart. The pines and oaks smiled at me And my heart sang, "We may be withered in these winter blues, But we will rise again too bloom, to embrace each other, we will be together forever soon."

Day of sorrow

On the day of my fiasco  I cried with pain, Damp face and red eyes Hidden in the winter's rain. Walking through the road without any clue, sunless sky full of gloom. No one could hear the  wailing of my grieved heart,   On tranquil mountains the stroke of lightening storm had left it's deep mark. Even after such a long time  this thorn still pricks my soul, Not only I lamented  but my world as whole. The vestiges are still there speak in a deep cry, to remind me I haven't done anything, My sun is yet to rise. 

Nily and the Train

In a small village over the hills there resided a little girl, with her strong will to touch that endless sky. Nily had never boarded a train even after her nineteen years in this planet. For a child of hills, who has never seen an outer world is a real joy. Even the sight of moving train excited her. On a day of late april Nily climbed a rocky slope of a hilly forest of Kangra to board the train. She had heard of this shortcut road from her acquaintance. The hill was nearly 60 km away from her home. The sun had made her skin red and tanned. The trees grass has turned yellow due to summer sun. When Nily reached there, the station had just 17-18 people. And most of them were there to see off their loved ones. The station too was not that big though. She bought ticket for the nearest station to her home that is 8 km from her village. A man in a coat and trouser fascinated her. He was a tall man with grey hair and had a police man for his security. He looked like a man of infl


In a hollow dark room of my soul,  There lies a question, Who always asks me, "Why this moving stagnation?" Gazing at the dark night sky  And the melting clouds The music of heaven is thunderous and loud. This music asks me about my long lost old dream, that I have strangled  in an invisible pile of insecurities. Flower that dies without bloom,  while yearning for sunlight, Filled my heart with gloom. The flower screamed and asked me  about my deserted desire, I used to keep in the dark room of soul, the flambeau and its fire.

One winter morning...

It was an early winter morning. I took a walk over the hill that I use to see from the window of my room. My mind was clouded with thoughts of future like the mist concealed the pines and oaks in her arms. The face of sun had been veiled by the clouds. The melody of water spring and the voice of nightingale spreaded all over the mountains. There came shepherds and their flock who had made their way to the lower hills. The chilling wind started playing with my hair. Some birds were still in their habitats, while some had already flied to the warmer place. Pine's branches moved slowly and slowly as if he was speaking with his brothers cedar and oak in secret language of silence. The road was narrow and the fresh pour of dew during the dawn had made it more slippery. My agitated heart started singing... I'm sitting by the cascade water beneath, The thoughts of upcoming winters are haunting me. Would the walls of my heart able to fight cold winds, Would my body resist  

Little Black Bird

I wrote this poem for a bird that has become part of my evening walks. I believe that we both share some strange relationship. We try to solve unanswered mysteries of life and questions and insecurities about future. Oh little black bird!  You arrive with the twilight  and always rest on this old dry tree despite the forest full of greens;  You sit here for a while  And keep on sinking in whirlpool of thoughts  before going to your home; The wrench in your heart and scruples of your mind your silent voice and  moment of solace; Oh pensive bird without a song! Are you mourning about the things  You wished to do but didn't? Or is this the moment of introspection  for you  to perceive the mysteries of life? With the arrival of  eye kissing moon light  you make your flight with the explanation of your questions, But you will come tomorrow and forever to this old dry tree  with the same questions  having diffe

Simple things

What is more exquisite than a  night sky after a long day of rain, Dark and blue illuminated with stars and clouds And the tint of moonlight spreads on cloudy lane. Long standing white hibiscus, Buzz of cricket, Raindrops over tree leaves and the fireflies' visit. What is more exquisite! What is more exquisite!

When I first saw you

On a spring morning, I sat on the silent corner of the lawn. You entered the place with some of your fellows. It seemed like trees waved at your arrival. The calm sunshine smiled over the spring flowers.  I'd never seen you before but there was something that intrigued me. The silence of my lips eloped the clamour of my heart. Love enslaved my soul they had just found her mate. The deliverance filled up my heart. The flock of birds just took the first flight of the day to embrace the sky. You left the place within a few minutes. No one had the slightest idea of my exquisite experience. And there left a woman whose heart agitated to break all the worldly bondages.  Then the wind sang in my ears, "We are going to meet soon". 

The Day We Met...

I still remember the day we met. The sun was burning hot. But then clouds of heaven smiled over us. And they witnessed our meet. The angels behind the clouds showered their blessings. That day I embraced the silence to listen to your words, to embed those words in my heart like pearls.  Words that were not of worldly wisdom, but the words of freedom. Words of ecstasy soothed the silence of lips and melted my stormy soul. The words of your song even excited the birds. Wind of love was flowing and the fragrance of flowers scented the garden. We sat there for long hours. The sun reached below the horizon and mist covered the whole garden. Your lips kissed my forehead and bid me good bye. Then you lost in the midst of mist with a smile on your face. And there left a woman who had just experienced the eternal joy of love for the first time and the misery of separation from her lover.

Tiny~Little Things #4

A Wish to Dance with the Glowflies, Play with the Stars, And sleep with the Moon. ~ A Wish  

Sullen Night

And the moon prevailed but you didn't come, Stars kept silent, sad is the night's hum. The lonely night, and the chilling breeze, mourning flowers, waiting for this grief to cease. Tranquil mountains, Calm river, Chaotic heart, Soul shivered. Now all I want is to go back to the day, Where I'll be busy enough to forget this dismay.

Friend or foe

Who is friend  Who is foe, Where they come from Where they go? Sugarcoated lies And backbiting, Smiling face  And backstabbing. From where do they  get this behaviour and for why  they become coward instead of warrior? Is it ever possible to get a true friend in this competitive world of showoff trend?

Spring Morning through my Window...

The dawn and these dew drops Red mountains and the green crops All I see and feel through my window The calm morning view and wind blow Birds fly all over the white sky There bloom yellow spring flowers In this youthful daylight Mountain sparrows come to lower hills Eat grains spread on my yard to their fill Bulbul(s) have make their territory  On soap nut tree There also sits cuckoo bird to sing Aroma of nectar spread by honey bee Butterflies goes from hibiscus to rose Fields full of green-brown wheat  and of yellow orange marigold Life is full of colors and melody From the window this is all I see With the finished cup of my tea I am all set to go back to the world Where I am not so happy and free.

Eternal love

Your love embraced me like the birds embrace the morning wind with their open wings . You bring the warmth like the sun after a cold night. You enlightened my path like the full moon in the dark night. Now there's no care for world neither joy nor sorrow, Only calmness and the peace like the river with a ceaseless flow .

Tiny~Little Things #3

Path may be covered with Snow and Haze, May be slowdown your pace, But at the peak there is sun, Spreading it's warm rays. ~ Just Keep Going...

Devil and I

I met devil last night, Killed my innocence, That green-eyed. The fire of anger The heart blazing with hatred, Burnt my soul  Make me naked. Derailed my life Tore my dream, That devil was no one  Other than me.

Tiny~Little Things #2

Let’s go back to the time where you and I catch dragon flies 🌿 ~Childhood

Realm of Love

Lost in the realm of love One finds the eternal peace , Freedom from every bondage And the obligations cease. Like a twilight moon Love steps in our lives, Angels sing song of love Dance along with the fireflies. Lovers lost themselves Just like  rivers after meeting with sea, Get Ecstasy Like the caged birds When set free.

Tiny~Little things #1

Starry sky Moonlit night You, me and Our endless talks. ❤

Lone House and the rain

Raindrops falling from the sky Entering through the slate roof, Drenching my bed and whole room On that black night My house is standing aloof. Roaring of winds And clash of window panes, Through which one can See the dark lonely lane. Room lit by a candle flame, And sudden fall of photo frame. Thunderous sound and lightening clouds Make that old dry tree visible Ah! this Breathless panic of rain, There flashes a white lady With Cold blood stain.

A lone walk on the vale

I'm walking on this vale with the cool breeze, Listening to the sound of cicadas and the humming bees. Why am I sitting alone by the water spring, Thinking of you as the birds sing. The sun, the earth and their separation, Adoring each other in my imagination. The feeling of despair and isolation, Memories of you and this wait making my heart ache. Wondering about our fate and trying to keep myself warm, Waiting for you to come and hold me in your soul and arms.

Lover's Longing

Long to escape from the reality And lost in the universe of dreams, Far from this world To the extreme. No dark secrets to keep, Words have no meaning, Where affection is deep. Our lover willing  Lightening like a Flamboyant flame, Where you and me have no name. Phenomenal warmth of togetherness, Eternal and nothingness, Where lies passion and restlessness.  

Today's World

WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH (These words were written by George Orwell in his novel Nineteen Eighty Four (1984). This book is one of the most haunting portrayals of future of humankind.) The world in which we are living today is slowly moving toward the hatred. Compassion, care, peace, fidelity, morals and ethics are slowly dying. The respect for other human, the trust, the greatest and most beautiful feeling of love are all replaced by hate and cruelty. Constantly world is facing some kind of crisis and wars. Apart from war, even our hearts now have become ignorant and cold. Feeling of mutual trust, helping others, love for society is least found trait today. If we see any mishap, instead of helping whether we ignore it or share it on social media. Reading headlines day by day, Makes me scare and cry. Where are we heading, Instead of leaves, blood is shedding. Compassion is crying in the corner, Respect is now foreigner. Flowers ar
Tangled thoughts in the mind, Fierce, frustrated but kind, Path yet to be traveled, Mysteries of Life yet to be unraveled, Playing her role, Optimistic is the soul.

Our Love

Our love is blooming, Like a White night flower. Dreaming under the stars, Embrace each other like forever. Your magical touch, Caressed my soul. By crossing the sea of fire, Together We have to go far❤


Enough of mourning, It's time to gather all your fragments, Join them together, To convert them in to Marvelous Feat~ "A MASTERPIECE "


A small firefly, Strives to touch the sky. Flying through the heavenly stream, To complete the constellation of dreams.
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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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