
Showing posts from March, 2020

Reading in the dark...

It was two O'clock when my sleep broke suddenly, just after half an hour. The rice lights on my book rack was illuminating the whole room. It was late spring night. I could hear the song of nightingale. Since, I'm not a sound sleeper anymore like I used to before, during my teenage, I got up from my bed and pick up the book to read without switching on the light. I placed it on my table and switched on my table lamp. I sat on the position facing window.  It was nearly five thirty when my eyes felt heavy. I decided to sleep for a while. I lay on my bed and closed my eyes. The owl which often sits on the street light outside my window, I heard its hooting. My mother opened the door of my room to ask me to wake up. I told her about my sleeplessness and slept again. I felt the third foot under my feet and hand on shoulder. Something was holding me. There were limbs but not body! It sent chill down my spine. I tried to switch on the light but couldn't find the switch. I was not

Spring 2020 🌱

The silence has prevailed all over the streets of my village. Due to COVID-19, we all are in homes. Since, my routine of spending early hours of the morning on my window has not changed. So I penned, how the small world around my window has changed... Nowdays I sit by the window and see no one,  except the sun smiling from the sky over the trees and birds.  This is the time of springs,  cold has still not gone.  Mountains covered with fresh snow,  dandelions on the foothills, Dahlia on the pots,  Dancing bees are going crazy,  Sparrows are chirping loudly this morn. The street which is usually  the centre of fascination for me,  The saint with harmonium,  Cyclist milkman, gossipmongers (walkers),  and children in school uniforms,  But today they're locked in their homes.  Well, my window is still here,  and new creeper on its sidewall,  My mornings are now filled with calm sunrise and spend in comprehending the strategies of 


I know that the whole situation is very scary. This pandemic has brought fear and anxiety in whole world. We're facing mental and financial insecurities. So here's a small piece of my writings, hope it'll leave you with some hope and optimism. The day bright seems dark as night,  But We can Fight and sing the songs of love, care and gratitude,  The angels sitting above in the heavens will listen to us,  Soon we'll meet our loved ones and greet the strangers,  walk on grass, barefoot and smell that lovely wildflower from the far land. 

The Intruder

I always write my feelings about love, my restlessness, childhood, nature... But I forgot to confess my feelings for a person who loves you the most and cares for you every single time, who is concerned and want to know your every movement, Our favorite- The intruder.  This is a small love poem for my favorite person which may sound like sad breakup to my busybody. 😊 You show like you don't care,  We're aware of your cold stares.  You may veil your face by the  mask of innocent expressions,  But my dear intruder!  You can't remove the impression of your doings and deceptions.  You may be depressed  that we are not together anymore,  After whatever happened,  Things (we don't want to) can't be restored.  Life opened millions doors,  We chose ours and peacefully moved on! 


The whole vale is covered with mirk, Moon lit night with the hint of mist,  I wake up by the sudden jerk, crying cats and dogs' howls resist me to go back to the sleep, I want to look out through my window  and to stop these weeps, My throat is choked and a shadow  on the wall, the moonlight fills the room, but I can't follow. My brain and body are not coordinating, Why am I calling unknown names,  in some trodden old lanes? Blood comes out from my broken veins,  There's somebody in the flames. Now, I open my eyes  to find my heart is about to break the walls of my chest, But the cicadas song is very kind. I just count some odd numbers,  That's enough to lost  again in the world of slumber. 
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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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