
Showing posts from August, 2022


Contemplating on the fact that what he has become? The traffic lights blind him, he can not hear the honking of horns. Every night when he tries to sleep, he feels that darkness has engulfed him. A child prodigy once, now non-existential. Aman tries to forget what had happened to him in past and focus on the work which is supposed to give him happiness. But where's that happiness? Last month Aman went on two trips. One with his friends and another solo. Because he had heard that travelling can give you happiness. Each time he came back empty-handed. The first time he lost his money to friends another to pickpockets. Neither his pocket filled with happiness nor money. Aman thinks that the pursuit of happiness ended long ago. Aman is not sure what is he chasing. The only thing he knows is he's running and running behind something. Aman is so invested in his job, but is it worth it? He often wonders if this is the conclusion if this is his destiny. He knows that neither he was a g


 Hey Readers, I'm sitting here in the cafe, sipping my coffee. A lot had happened in the past week. It was taking a toll on my peace of mind.  If you're sad, no matter how much you try to avoid that feeling, your body starts to give you signals like headache, body ache, fast heartbeat or whatever it is. It's different for different people. I think I shouldn't carry this load on my chest anymore and move on, so here I'm leaving you with the poem I penned a night before. I'm posting the first draft, don't want to make any changes to it today.  Hope you'll like it. With Love. How can the stars burn down to ashes there were twinkling laughs once, now just memory flashes Those so-called mentors turn you down Faith in the universe too drown Hands that are always over my head why God why it feels like they are about to shed like those leaves from this  old broken tree who is bounded by the roots never going to be free There's no forgiveness in my heart and


Sometimes we just want to sit and cry. I know I'm being a pessimist here but isn't it true? And we want our problems or sadness to go away with the tears cascading from our eyes. Sometimes I too like to cry. We all do. Whether men or women. But not everyone wants to accept in public. There could be any reason. I'm not gonna bother my readers but I've penned down the following poem while sitting by the condensed window. I'm still carrying the curse on my weighed down shoulders, All the wounds I've nursed again become open cuts and colder. Trapped inside the circle of time Morning-Noon-Night Never-ending is this climb, Don't know what is hurting more pain in my heart or shoe bite? Surrounded by the beauty which I can't see They say they want to be like me while I've never been me. Darkness arises  flows like a river in my veins They talk about advise As if they're the only ones with shattered dreams. Have I left people or have people left me? Am I


"Yes! It does cause pain when they insert the syringe into the arm. But now it doesn't matter anymore. I'm just used to it. ", I heard a girl talking to a bunch of ladies. She is younger than me, might be a teenager! She is telling it so casually that people like me can never comprehend the pain she must have gone through, that she doesn't feel it anymore.  "And why are you crying so badly, little stranger? Are you afraid? Have you already sensed the pain you're about to go through? How can fate be so cruel to you? How can it be so cruel to anybody? I wish I could take your pain away. But how can I? Your parents are almost my age. Why on earth they're destined to suffer when they decided to start a family." This so-called healing place! I have to admit that healing places witness more suffering than anywhere else in the world. "Ah! I admire that you want me to have a seat, Dear Sir. But, I can't have it. In a place where people are suppo
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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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