
Showing posts from December, 2021


Hey all,  Some of you might have noticed that I'm not posting regularly these days. Again I would say it's a writing block. Getting rid of this slump is so difficult. Distraction is my friend these days. I'm not here to cry over this today. Leaving all behind, I'm here to share a poem that I'd written ( okay, I admit, typed) while sitting on the bench of one of those old dusty crowded roads where I visit again and again with the promise to never visit back. I'm here leaving you and the year 2021 with this poem. We'll meet again with new story and a new year.  Happy New Year With Love Nidhi These dusty streets,  small shops,  Vendors of sweets,  all are selling hopes.  They promise that it will transform you,  You'll not miss out and will be able to woo every one with your charm,  And there's no harm in hiding your soul when you can easily play the role of happy go lucky man,  works as much as you can.  They sell dreams we are the buyers  There's

Winters Inside Out

I tried to write few verses or sentences but words didn't pop in my head. I wanted to write and tell so many things but words didn't form a understandable and socially acceptable sentence. It felt like the ink in my pen had been frozen. To add to the gloom sun wasn't up. If someone asks me what I don't like about winters, I would say rising of sun after 8 or 9 in the morning. I knew that I won't be able to write this morning again. So, I decided to leave my diary at peace. I walked out of the house nearly 11 of the morning. I came out of the gate and a stray cat ran inside another gate. 'There are so many cats here',I heard myself saying. I walked across the park saw two boys playing badminton in purely wrong way. 'Those teenagers might be brothers. ', I said in my head while observing their facial similarities.  I crossed the park and move ahead to road. Don't know for how many times I'd passed through this road. I walked in fast pace, which


I was sitting on the bench, not knowing what thoughts I was lost in, a voice from behind caught my attention.  When I looked back, a lady was asking me about trendy shoes nowadays. She was an elderly lady with walking stick in her one hand. I'm not a person of small talk. I usually respond with smile. With the mask on, it has become difficult to respond.  Well, that happy lady left me soon to buy herself shoes. But she made sure to tell me that she's only 65 years young. And she was more young than me and the fellows of my age. I went to bookstore just to come out empty handed. I bought myself a coffee, made myself comfortable again on same bench and started to look around. When you're hanging out alone people tend to come to you to talk more often.  An old man or woman offers you a candy or nut, a random person asks you about book you're reading. How can I forget an old man/ woman's political thoughts! It's better to stay silent and let them talk, nod in agreem


In winter the dew settles on window panes and starts to slide down slowly to settle on the window sill. The first ray of sun has kissed the dew on window panes and I've started to think of you.  Sometimes I like to pretend that you're sitting beside me and we're talking to each other. I know you're just a call away but imagination is the best way to pour your heart out.  I'll ask questions and we both will agree on the same conclusion. Today I'll talk, cry and laugh then I'll leave everything according to your advice. I know you're always worried about my habit of not saying hello to my neighbor, or not meeting any relative or friend. We might not agree on an issue as I used to before. Today I'll assure you I'm still the same old me for you and for every friend who's silently supporting me. With the passage of time, I might have changed but you're still my comfort. I still think of you whenever I feel lonely. I'll assure you I'm n
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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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