
Showing posts from October, 2021

Matter of Time

Nowadays I find it difficult to get my thoughts down on paper. I am not reading much. Maybe sometimes it's better not to pay attention, to do nothing. Just sit for a while and feel the joy of nothingness. Although I have written a few bits and pieces. So, Today's blog is again raw and unedited slice of my nothingness on your plate.  With the rotation of earth the sky turns black to blue, sometimes it's grey,  sometimes there's red hue.  With the revolution of earth changes the year, world, countries,  Life changes and fate brings Happiness, mystery or adversaries.  While sitting here I'm witnessing  the game of defeat and victory,  With the changing  TV screen There's someone losing war,  Someone is changing course of history. It's the matter of few seconds,  It's matter of luck,  Some are moving ahead,  Some are stuck.  With the rotation of earth I become blind, deaf and dumb It's the matter of time Sometimes full of life and Sometimes I'm n

Tell me...

So, Tell me how do you feel when you see me smiling?  They think that I'm happy,  maverick, spoiled, beguiling.  Do you think the same, when you hear my name?  You know me since the day we gained consciousness,  I was looking for sun rays in my cloudy trodden shed,  And you were bathing  under the sun And Having fun!  When I took out my  old white sheet of paper  filled it with my choice of colors,  Because I wasn't allowed to enjoy the summer. You know me since inception You know my tears, fears and how I faced deception.  Tell me, Do you  really want to put yourself in my shoe? Tell me...

My Favorite Short stories (Recommendations)

Short stories have there own charm. One can read them again and again. Whenever I reread a story, I often go back to the time when I'd read it before, I start to remember the day, silence, chirrup of birds, etc etc etc....  I've read numerous short stories. Some of them are really close to my heart. So today I'm going to recommend some of my favorite short stories. 1. The last leaf (O. Henry)  Many of us have read this short story in our NCERT English text books. I still remember I used to bring old english to hindi translation guide of cousins (who are 4 years older than me) to home and read those stories 4 year before reaching that particular standard. Apart from my ramblings, this is a story of two young artists Johnsy and Sue. Johnsy has pneumonia and has lost the will of living. She has started to believe that with the fall of last leaf on ivy creeper she will die. Will she survive or not? To know this you will have to read this story.  2. यही सच है (Manu Bhandar
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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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