
Showing posts from May, 2024


After tossing for a long time in bed I removed the curtains of the window. The star-studded sky welcomed me. I can gaze at the stars and moon for the whole night. The movement of the moon, playing hide-seek behind the clouds, I imagine that the moon has a face. I know a whole community of science enthusiasts is gonna hate me for this. But there is a thing in me that still doesn't let me kill my inner child. Life happens in such a way that sometimes all the logic and reasoning just don't make sense. I don't know whether time is powerful or cruel or both, I know one thing, for life, these timezones have no meaning.  Tonight, again Jasmine has bloomed. I've always loved its fragrance. This fragrance brings back a myriad of memories. Memories come and go like a gust. Scatter themselves on the floor, in the sky, and everywhere that it becomes impossible for me to catch and put them in the box. Rain also made a grand entrance. It's the fun of living in the mountains, rain
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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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