
Showing posts from January, 2024


 I was scribbling my dairy while sitting on the balcony, adoring the great Himalayas in front of me. I could hear the one or two hoots of villagers, now and then. The sun was smiling all over the valley. My coffee was getting cold but I wanted to put down my thoughts at once.  Some nights just went by in the blink of an eye, and we kept wondering why are we stuck here. To be truthful, stagnation is a curse. We get stagnant but the Earth never stops revolving around the sun. It makes us anxious and usually makes us wonder if whatever we are doing is worth it.  When morning knocks at our door, we don't want to rise with the sun, don't want to go on with the time. The emotions in us choke us, but we still wake up. Fake a brave face and lovely smiles. And when the day ends we realize that waking up was not a waste, that fake smile turned into a real one. So, only standing up isn't a bad idea after all.  I have no idea what is ahead, nor do I have a plan. But if the day went by


It was December evening, I was sipping coffee with my twin in the busy market of this old city. I made some phone calls here and there and started to observe people and architecture. Old or new traditions, this city has preserved and nurtured both. How fast the life is here! It may take some time to learn and move with the business this place holds. My eyes were fixed on the bookstall and I was wondering if should I buy myself a book or not. There's a thing in these streets, a nostalgic emotion, a feeling of being missing out, a feeling of moving forward. An emotional baggage from the past that we always carry, was suddenly in front of me. I pull out a few things to discard. Discarding things from that baggage involves losing people, shedding tears, old patterns, and changed responses. Sitting there, felt like shedding my old skin, which was never mine, but I had been wearing it for so long that I forgot that underneath resided a whole different person, my true self. That skin haun
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Nidhi katoch
A silent observer in search of her TRUE HOME. If you like my writings, do comment and share... Views are extremely personal and are original writings of mine.

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