Morning Call

It's around 6 o clock in the morning. Sun hasn't risen yet. It can rise any time soon. I'm sipping my morning coffee on the terrace while the jamun's leaves are swaying happily. A family has come to live inside the leaves of this tree and I hear them chatting every morning. My book is resting on my lap and I'm in no mood of picking it up today. I can hear peacocks somewhere far. Other birds have also started chirruping. I get up and stand by the railing to look down the street. A family of four is going for the morning walk. Sometimes I wonder what will happen in their life. Whenever we meet a stranger on a bus or anywhere, I usually wonder where are they going. How will their life be different from mine? A little squirrel has come down from the tree and is now crossing the road like a king. The street cat is still napping on the top of someone's car. Sometimes I wish I was that cat. Part of me wants to form bonds and take a new step in my life while a part of m...